It still needs some work, but here she is:
I bought these cheap bookshelves that were an ugly dark wood particle board. I painted them white, stained the door a walnut shade and voila! I also repainted and re-upholstered the existing chairs. This is what they used to look like:
Project #2: a wreath for my front door.
Let me preface with I despise all televised sports. You take me to a game, I'm having a blast but my Type A nature will not allow me to sit in front of a TV for 4 hours watching, well, anything. My love, however is obsessed, and I don't use the word flippantly with Florida State Football. As an Alumni in the State and National Championship days, he is a die-hard fan. Being the supportive future bride, I painted our front door garnet, got him a huge FSU flag and made this to adorn our door (I've been dying to try a yarn wreath):
Lastly, I did organize the under the counter and over the sink cabinets in both bathrooms (but I won't bore you with photos, you're welcome).
Bring on February! My goals: a hand-painted rug (gulp), a wine cork monogram (eeek) and an art display frame (pppfft). Oh, and cleaning out my disgusting car! Wish me luck!!