Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So proud of myself!

So, I am somewhat crafty, but not even a little handy. I mean, I can hammer a nail into a wall but that's about the extent of it. But....I have been so inspired/enamoured/obsessed with blogs about home redecorating on a budget with all of these ridiculously talented women making over old furniture.

Soooo, I found this hideous dining room set on Craig's List for $25. It's beautiful, with vision, but so destroyed, thanks to some rambunctious children and a teething dog. But I really wanted to make an office/playroom type thing in the front room of our new house (who needs 2 flipping living rooms??!!). I envisioned a desk/crafting/multipurpose table with two chairs. So I followed an online tutorial, sanded and painted the table and recovered the chairs. The chair fabric was a bit of an argument. Garret despised it. I promised him once it was all done he would tolerate it. He insisted that he have color choice of the table, following up with the admission he is no home decorator. I relented and he chose red. Gulp. It's a somewhat large table, and that's a lotta red. Surprisingly, it all looks great, fabric, red table and all! I'm pretty impressed with myself, excuse me while I pat myself on the back.

Here are some pics! Will update when I have the room all put together!

1 comment:

Becky said...

It looks GREAT!! Love the table color and the fabric choice. Nice job.

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