So one thing I swore I would do as a new mom is be real about my (mis)adventures. It's no wonder women all over feel inadequate what with all the "My kids are perfect, I'm perfect" nonsense we're fed to believe we need to uphold. I say ENOUGH! Soooo...

I confess. I try to be good, I do. I do all of the things I hoped I would...not every day mind you, but most. The one thing I swore I would not do, ever, is stick my kid in front of the television for ridiculous amounts of time. Well, the electronic babysitter, as it shall henceforth be referred to, has saved my life (ok, slightly dramatic...saved my day, anyway) on more than one occasion. It is impossible...I repeat: impossible, to be home, sans daddy for hours at a time with a toddler and get anything accomplished. So, Barney (ugh...) and Dora (blech...) have become our friends. I still limit the loss of brain cells, but were it not for the uncoordinated purple dinosaur and adventurous little lady, the dishes and laundry would be worse than they already are. Oh, and how do you think Maddie learned how to "Ring-around-the-rosy"?? Not from me, I can assure you...
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