Ahhhh...I remember when it was Little Miss Sunshine. Smiles and hugs, all day, every day. Just before her first birthday, Maddie somehow figured it out: she has some control over her little world. She has free will. She has unleashed the fury of this realization with all the might she can muster! Suddenly, everything is up for debate (and by debate, I mean her sternly lecturing me in baby-speak with furrowed brow firmly in place). She whines, fusses, screams, cries, grabs, hits...WHAT?! Where did this come from?? My sweet angel has suddenly become the Devil's spawn! I believe an exorcism is appropriate, although I keep hearing how "normal" it all is. If I hear one more thing about her "asserting her independence", I'm going postal. I get she's not a tiny baby anymore, but I clearly have an aversion to all this growing up nonsense she and Mother Nature insist upon. I believe she should still be pleasing and cooperative...until I leave this planet. Unrealistic? Perhaps. If she only knew how much I loved her and how difficult discipline was for me, surely she would remain my sweet, easy-peasy baby forever. And they say it gets harder?! Ugh....I may not get through without at least one trip to the loony bin. Here's to hoping someone bails me out....
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