My love is so romantic. Seriously. He is so thoughtful and sweet...I'm one luck gal! This past weekend he told me to get some stuff together, he was taking me on a "date day", sitter arranged and all. This may not seem overly exciting but considering the fact that we became pregnant veeery early on in our relationship, we didn't have this "courting" period. We fast-forwarded straight into diapers and overtime! I so appreciate this valuable time alone, to just be. We love Maddie more than anything but it feels so nice to reconnect as a couple...just us. So off to Captiva Island we went. It was a gorgeous day. We brought wine, had lunch, sat and listened to live music and watched the sunset. Perfection. Oh, except that I forgot my camera (moi?!) so I was forced to make due with camera phones...ugh. Almost perfection. ;)