It is sooooooo hot. I mean, sweating profusely taking a thirty foot walk from the car into the grocery store hot. Don't bother with make-up and get over hating your legs so you don't ever wear shorts kinda hot! So, what to do for fun? Miami Seaquarium? Sure, why not? I'll TELL you why not! There is no air conditioning. NONE, zero, zip. Even inside the underwater viewing areas, nada. And shade? Barely! It is nearly all exposed to direct, beating sun. PPPfffftttthhhhtt! NEVER again in the month of August will I haul my cookies...or my little cookie, who, P.S., was flippin' MISERABLE, to this place. If she could say it, I assure you she would have asked, nay, demanded to go home. Problem is, this excursion to the center of the sun was a bit spendy. Garret thought it would be a nice pre-birthday family getaway. God love him...no more planning left to him. Next time, mommy schedules a ski trip to Aspen. :)
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