So Maddie is sick. For real sick. Not just a little sniffle (like a couple weeks ago), but high temperature, whiny,not sleeping...real sick. I feel so bad for the little munckin. She wants to be constantly held, is generally unhappy about, well, everything. I feel so bad for my little clingy baby...she's usually so independent and happy but she now just wants to be held and is so sad. She has such a high-pitched voice as it is, that all this whining is satrting to sould like a dolphin calling expedition. I swear she's going to be an opera singer one day...Soprano, of course. And love her as I do, I feel the need to gouge out my eardrums with a sharp pencil in order to stay patient with her Flipper-speak. I have to remind myself she doesn't feel good. Hopefully the Pediatrician will give us some answers today...and they better not say "It's just Viral...let it run its course" or "She's just teething". Makes me crazy. It goes against the fix-it nature of my mommy ways. Poor Mads....
UPDATE: So several visits to the Pediatrician later, Maddie ended up having Pneumonia!!, an ear infection AND a urine infection. Yes, ALL at once. The doctor explained that bacteria begins somewhere and rests wherever it does and apparently, it RESTED all over my poor baby! She had a fever of 102-104 for an entire week!! Two rounds of antibiotic injections and two oral antibiotics later, she is back to.her sweet self. Thank God...we were really starting to worry. I hadn't seen her smile in days! We have to have a follow-up this week but hopefully everything will be just fine! Sheesh....
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