2010....the start of a new year. Of course, Maddie slept through the whole thing while we celebrated with friends. But in this year Maddie will reach so many milestones. Walking, talking, her first birthday. It's all happening too fast!!! Can't I just freeze time and keep her this way forever?? 6 months is so ideal. She sleeps through the night, eats without complication, smiles and coos and laughs. There is no sassing, no mobility to be concerned about. I can still leave the room if she's in her walker without fearing she will fall and crack her head open. She sleeps from about 6:30pm to 6am. I mean, THIS is the easy phase (granted, I have no idea what to expect in the future, but I have heard). So...how do I make this happen? Is there some white haired guy with a rad car that can keep my angel-baby in this state of perfect infancy?? Ugh...I suppose I will have to learn to really RAISE this child. Mold her, discipline her, teach her. Selfishly, this phase requires so little from us as parents. She finds everything we do utterly hilarious and interesting. Soon she'll be rolling her eyes at our corniness while jumping into her boyfriend's Camaro. Doc, where are you?!
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