Maddie can sit up! YAY!! Seven months and she can balance her cute, chubby little thighs for a couple of minutes at a time. Mind you, she still topples over...she hasn't quite grasped the fact that she has to re-balance herself as she's going sideways, but hey, give the kid a break! She's just learning! Crawling seems a bit far off still...she air swims, however. What? You have never heard of air-swimming? Well, let me educate you on my daughter's advanced activity. She gets on her tummy, lifts her head, arms and legs and flails around like a fish out of water. So funny. We keep telling her "Baby, if you would put your limbs on the ground, you may actually propel yourself." She just flashes those two (and a half!!) bottom teeth and repeats the process. It's so funny to watch their little brains work through the motions. I swear I can see her thinking. Love every second of watching this little person become a bigger (sniff) person!