Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I am thankful for many things (see previous blog), but going from house to house to house is not one of them...especially with a 5 month old. If my mom (love her dearly and her cooking is to DIE for) wasn't so crazy-possessive about the cooking, I would love to host Thanksgiving dinner myself! I would rather cook, baste, sweat for hours than travel all over God's creation for more meals than any human, large or small, has any business consuming! But it really was great! We decided (like crazy people) to run the annual "Turkey Trot", a 5K at the crack of dawn. We figured we could justify extra pie if we got some exercise first thing. Garret did great, I almost died and the rest of the gang ran/walked with the kids (thanks Susie, for running with Maddie!) or were somewhere ahead of me. We all wore our Caleb's Crusade shirts and really had a great turnout. If it weren't for the constant drizzle and side-splitting cramp I had from the first mile, it would have been just perfect. After showers and naps, we went to Garret's mom's first, then to my sister's. The food was amazing, the company even better but we were WIPED by the end of the day. But as I listened to my increasingly fussy baby, I was grateful for her little healthy, fussy self. My sister had friends in town for the holiday who had also lost their 4 year old son to cancer. So, while I complain about the inconveniences of the day, I also feel blessed to have had all our families and friends happily and healthily running for a great cause and eating our body weight in turkey!

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