Two days. 48 hours. Garret's FAVORITE holiday, one of mine (although I have to admit, my Birthday with all the gifts and cake and spoiling is at the very top of my list, with Christmas being a close second....seeing as how not ALL the gifts are for me) and Maddie's first family holiday. Ahhhh, Thanksgiving. Turkey, stuffing, pie, family...triptophan coma. But I mostly like this time of year for it's not-so-subtle hinting at remembering all we are thankful for. I like to think I am always grateful, that I let the people in my life know I love them and their value to me. But I do become so much more aware during this holiday, especially this year when my blessings are so much more abundant than usual. So, here is my list...in no particular order. I am THANKFUL for:
1. my precious child that makes me realize what I was truly meant to do. Her smile makes my life worth living.
2. the love of my life who, in a very short time in the grand scheme of a lifetime has convinced me that true, unconditional, unwavering love does really exist.
3. my family that has been unconditionally supportive, even when my decisions have been questionable. I am eternally grateful for the support and help with Maddie, especially from my mom and sister.
4. my new "family" that have embraced me, have also been amazing with Maddie and supportive and encouraging of Garret and I's relationship.
5. the friends I have been able to count on for years and am convinced I will be snort-laughing with when we're old and gray (ok, gray-er...)
6. the new church we have been attending for a few months that is the first one I have been to that I get excited about every week and has helped me grow in my faith.
7. our modest home that although I would love to have a yard in place of the small, brick courtyard we have, is a place that holds the love and memories of our little family.
8. the fact that I get to work part-time and contribute to my family while being able to also be the primary care giver to my baby girl. Thanks to Garret for picking up the slack...
9. my goofy dog, who makes me crazy (garbage raiding, houdini-ing out of the porch, snoring like an old man, shedding what I am convinced is nearly his entire coat...) but is a loyal, silly, fun member of the family that makes Maddie laugh and will be her buddy one day.
There are the frivolous things like 80's hairbands, a good run, a fountain Cherry Coke, fresh cut flowers, a bubble bath, a warm cup of Mint Tea when it's chilly, laughing so hard you cry, Cherry Chapstick, prayer, reminiscing with old photos, surprises, reconnecting with old friends....I could go on all day (but I will spare you). I suppose my point, which I hope has not gotten lost in all my rambling, is I feel so very thankful these days...for the obvious things, the subtle ones, the dreams to be fulfilled, the reflected-upon past and the oh-so-wonderful present.