Hi everyone! This is Madeline! I am posting for mommy cause she is super tired...can't possibly have anything to do with ME can it?! I am just perfect, just like mommy and daddy thought I would be. I mean, I have all of my fingers and toes, am simply adorable and smile and coo at them all the time to let them know they are just fabulous! Since mommy posted at one month about what SHE'S learned, I thought I would share what I have learned at two months!
1. I like to sleep...but preferably in someone's arms and for three hours at a time...tops.
2. If I make the littlest of peeps, someone comes running. I barely have to cry! Perfect....
3. It is very entertaining to wait until mommy or daddy get my diaper off to clean me and THEN pee and poop...you should see their faces! Hee, hee...
4. I am not very fond of electronic devices to entertain me...we can just return the bouncy seat and swing to the store and buy something useful to me, like food!
5. If they want a smile from me, they have to work for it! This preciousness does not come for free people! I can only be so adorable in limited quantities as to not spoil you.
6. I grunt alot. It keeps everyone guessing..."Is she pooping? Is she gonna cry? Does she need something?" I'm usually fine, it's just my sound of choice!
7. My daddy falls asleep easier than I do! When he feeds me late at night, I like to see who will fall asleep first. He usually wins.
8. Baths are kinda fun...but I hate the part after the warm, sudsy water when they towel me off and redress me..brrrrrrr!!
9. My mommy likes to read alot of books about how to best take care of me, so I like to do the opposite, just to prove I am not a textbook baby, I am a unique, special baby!
10. My parents love me more than anyone and when I am bigger, I will let them know how fabulous they are. For now though, I have to be 2 months old and be simultaneously challenging and precious.
So....hopefully I will continue to learn how to be a good baby and make mommy and daddy realize they are doing a great job! Now that I am getting older, I will do my best to make things easier for them! I am very happy and healthy and it is all due to them and the rest of my wonderful family and friends! XOXO
Love, Maddie
1 comment:
Wow, Maddie! Your mom and dad seriously need to consider an early IQ test for you... You're a great writer!
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