I'm not gonna say it. I'm not gonna ask "how did this happen?". How did my baby become a pre-schooler?
I'm not gonna wonder where 3 1/2 years have gone. How my baby is running into a school building. Why time seems to pass ever so quickly as I get, ahem, older.
Will they know he's super wiggly? That he likes, nay, needs to move? That he needs 14 kisses by 10am? That he likes just a splash of apple juice in his water so it's less "yucky"? That he nuzzles his blue night-night before nap time?
Sigh. I did not burden them with these things. I know it's time to, as Garret tells me, stop babying him. But isn't he still a baby? At what age do they stop being our babies? I say never. Ever.
For his part, he was super excited! He's been talking about it for WEEKS...even slept with his Minion backpack last night! And the best part is it's at Daddy's school! A student lead program, overseen by this sweet lady, Ms. Hollan where the students learn about child development/care all while spoiling and teaching our babies! He has been in the care of two women, with one other child on occasion since he was 6 weeks old... so excited to watch him blossom!
A whole new world...<3 p="">