Gavin's current obsessions: Minions and Play Doh. Ok kid, you got it!
Minion movie with Play Doh favors birthday bash!
We did have to reschedule (twice!) cause of some serious rain (in a typically non rainy month) but it {finally} went off without a hitch!
My little love is getting so big!
The movie ticket invitations each child was to bring for "admission". Maddie was very excited to be the ticket collector! Plus, give her a task and surely she'll stay outta trouble, right? RIGHT?!
Since the little muffin is obsessed with Play Doh (and I don't use the term lightly), I though Play Doh favors would be fun! I also had Jello mold Minions AND yellow melting chocolate, so chocolate Minions for the bigger kids (IE: moms and dads ;)
I just thought a little "drive-in" would be so much fun..and it WAS! The kids loved it! Coming up with boxes was a little tricky but we found enough for the littler kids!
As a craft, the kids all made their own Minions!
"3D" glasses!
I can't get over how quickly these three years have gone! Maybe because with two, life is more hectic. But I think it's because time truly does fly when you're having fun. This boy is so sweet and full of love and joy, he just makes our family complete! I adore him and can't wait to see what the next three years will hold!