We had a great Valentine's Day! Maddie and some friends had their monthly craft date creating toilet paper roll butterflies (genius!). Our host, Jen had a karaoke machine that, well, got put to good use...
Maddie and Madelyn gave us quite the show. Let It Go, from Frozen was screamed sung
for a cringing palpably excited room full of spectators.
The whole gang had a great time...the kids that is. Mommies trying to make this photo happen...not so much.
Ahhhh. The Valentine Box. I never understood this phenomenon. We didn't do this as kids. We just threw them in our Trapper Keepers...ooooh, just aged myself. Anyhoo....I made the mistake of asking Maddie if she wanted it some kind of animal (I mean, God forbid we just have an actual box like normal people). She immediately said "I want a Unicorn!". Um. A wha..?? How does one fashion a unicorn out of a Kleenex box?? Once again, Pinterest saved the day...there was ONE unicorn box and I copied it. Phew. Maddie was in charge of stickers. Obviously.
Maddie had her annual Grandparent's Day at school on Valentine's Day and Yaya snapped the pic on the right. I love that she looks shy (yeah, right.). My friend Leslie theorized she's likely rolling him for his lunch money then asking him out on a date. Sounds plausible.
We don't usually make a big fuss, just little gestures of our love...
We parents did get to go on a date! It's honestly alllllll I wanted....being fed and having dishes done for me. Ahhhhhh....Garret took me out for sushi and cocktails. Perfect night with the perfect man!

Also, this week, a high school friend's son, who has been battling Leukemia relapsed and is likely out of options barring a miracle. I love being part of this community of families but it can sometimes weigh on my heart so heavily. I took this pic the day before Valentine's Day....my babies clutching hands, being the best buds they are. I just welled up behind them. All I could think was thank you God. For my life, my blessings, my healthy children. Ultimately, that's what this day represents, just taking time to do a little extra to show how much your people mean to you. And they mean the world....if I could, I would give it to them....