Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The anti-resolution list.

Put it in print. Be committed. I'm typing to myself here. If I type it and am forced to re-read and perhaps be accountable, it will happen, right? RIGHT!? I'm sure gonna try...

As cliche as the New Year's resolution may be, there is something exciting and invigorating about a fresh start. I, for one, barely stick to any of them but I realized it's because I force myself to resolve to doing things I despise. This year I decided to do some things that while uncomfortable, I actually want and need to do them for the preservation of my sanity.

First, I have decided that for every week in January, I am going to do (at least) one thing to organize and stylize my life. I am one of those people whose house looks great until you start opening drawers and closets. Then you see the real me. Disorganized, messy. Mortifying. What I finally realize is, I'd feel less stressed if I did something about the tornado that constantly circulates around my life. So...

I have some ideas. I will post them here as they are completed. Accountability. Since resolutions don't work for me, this is my first goal. Then maybe lift a weight or two. The remaining "goals" are mostly personal and will not be posted here or anywhere but my crazy little brain. Photos to follow...

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2012

Maddie's 2nd Christmas was, well, hot. It was in the low 80's with "feels like" temps in the upper 80's! Ugh. It's kinda hard to get into the spirit with sweaty armpits. That aside, it was great! We spoiled her a bit this year...not in quantity but quality. We got her a bike, swingset and a hand-held game/educational device. I did find the latter second-hand so we were able to stay within budget while giving her what she wanted (although she kept telling any Santa that had her on his lap that she wanted a bike AND a scooter...). I struggle with wanting to fulfill her requests to Santa while teaching her she can't have everything her heart desires as well as trying to emphasize the real meaning of Christmas. Hopefully we'll find a good balance as she gets older.

I almost failed to mention Pete! Yaya introduced Maddie to Pete the Cat...he is a soulful cat that sings songs about everything being "all good". It's funny. She loves him!

Tinkerbell costume in place, it was time to swing and slide! I have afeeling this will be a great investment. She has loved playgrounds since she was a tiny baby!

Misc Christmas!

Since there were so many misc. events and travels...I thought 'd just share photos with captions. Next year, simplifying! Oh, and they're all out of order but I'm too beat to fix it! :)

The perfect ending to Christmas Day....a book and The Grinch!

Another of her dress up outfits...Snow White is her favorite Princess!

Christmas Day evening at Mo and Mom's

We saw Santa Christmas Eve at Garret's uncle Greg's! Apparently a neighborhood firetruck brings him around. Maddie was pretty excited....

Opening our ONE gift with Oma Christmas Eve night (tradition in our family)

Very seriously composing her letter for Santa....

Hoping you get everything your heart desires baby girl...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy Christgiving!

This year, we invented a new holiday. Since the holiday season isn't nearly hectic enough (sarcasm, if you didn't catch it :), we celebrated Thanksgiving late and Christmas early for Tamra since she wasn't able to be home for either...Christgiving. I was happy to host and make the traditional feast (with a little help from the Copeland's who each brought a dish). It was yummy. Tamra was shocked at how big Maddie has gotten in 9 months since she's seen her. They were buds...Maddie took full advantage of a new person so interested in her with piggyback rides and various other demands. Tamra was a good sport. Miss her....

I made my only second was pretty darn good, if I say so myself!

Maddie opened her presents from "Aunt T"...sunglasses, shoes and jewelry. A glimpse into the future....

And a fun family night wouldn't be complete without a little silliness....

New curtains, new fun!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Flirting with Santa...take 2.

For a child that was terrified of Santa merely a year ago, Maddie has certainly, um, warmed up to the jolly old fella! I dare say, she has become flirtatious! She sneaks glances out of the corner of her eye (which I initially assumed was "scoping" him out), lowers her gaze, smiles sweetly...even leans in for hugs and willingly gives kisses. It's actually quite brilliant. How is Santa going to say no to anything she asks for after those theatrics?!

We decided to go to Bass Pro Shops...they have a great children's area, complete with "snow". Our friends Kyle, Georgia and their sweet baby Piper joined us! It was a great time...Maddie could hardly handle the "snow" area, she was beyond excited.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Caleb's Crusade Bowl-A-Thon

My relay partner Gwen put on a great fundraiser at our local bowling alley benefiting Caleb's Crusade. It was Maddie's first time bowling and she loved it....I mean, free reign, throwing a could that go wrong?

Gwen and Tim's kids, Taden and Aliza...such cuties!

The event coordinator and my relay partner, Gwen with Garret, Mom and I...

As always, Bella was "little mommy" to Maddie, who was bowling for the first time!

Sometimes I think these two look like they could be sisters....
And what would a night at the bowling alley be without a little air hockey??

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