As previously stated, Miss Maddie is quite independent. She reaches milestones with lightening speed at times and at a snail's pace other times. One place she seems to excel is in her speech. She talks all the time (much to my dismay :), usually in her baby-babble but will most certainly repeat words said to her repetitiously. Her first word was "hi". We would pick her up from her crib and she'd greet us with a big grin and a "Hi!". Since then, she can say (in no particular order):
1. bug (usually referring to ladybugs)
2. dada
3. mamma
4. Tig-Tig (my sister's dog)
5. ball
6. bye-bye
7. baby
8. poopie (hee hee..that one's my fault)
9. D-D-D-D (the beginning of the Dora The Explorer theme song)
10. ba-ball (for Meatball, our silly pug)
11. Night-night
12. baboon (balloon...which she is currently obsessed with!)
13. uh-oh
14. Belle (for her cousin Bella)
15. Oma (German for grandma)
16. Momo (my sis)
17. Shoe
These are the words we can make sense of anyway! She really loves books an being read to so I hope a large vocabulary and a love of reading is in her future! We know jabbering away will be...if she's anything like her mother! Ha!