I'm not sure why it's so traumatizing, but it is. You have this baby...this innocent, dependent little being that thinks you hung the moon. Then, BAM!! They start wriggling out of your arms, testing you with their will, rolling over mid-diaper change, biting (or wait...is that just mine?!) . The point is, it's all happening soooo fast! It seems like yesterday Maddie came into our world, screaming her little head off. I know that sound cliche', but really?? An entire YEAR has gone by? The changes and advances that happen in twelve mere months is amazing. Not to mention the impossible range of emotions you experience as a parent in those first months. Fear, anxiety, guilt, joy, pride, gratitude....it's so...amazing, really. God just prepares us for this roller coaster of emotions and changes and all the while we are molding this little person into who she will become in the world. It's an enormous responsibility. But what I have realized, is it is exactly what I am meant for. For the first time in my life, I have real purpose. Being her mother is my job, and I don't take it lightly. I just pray I am not messing it up too badly. ;) HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!!!!