Lunch with Yaya and Tamra

A new tattoo!!!!

The greatest blessing in my life is being my daughter's mother. I could not, would not change her in any way. She is beautiful, spirited, inquisitive, friendly, joyous...all at just the beginning of her life. I imagine her blossoming in all these ways through the years. I see her smiling at everyone she meets with a warmth that is genuine. I can just imagine her petting every animal she walks by. She will always be a good friend, I would think....a good listener, a sympathetic shoulder. I believe she, like her mother, will be unable to hear a beat and not move some part of her body to it. She may, also like her mother, have some sass, but never with the intent of being hurtful. And like her father, she will love unconditionally and shower those she cares for with affection. I can truly see all of this. I know she will make mistakes. I am certain she will break hearts and have hers broken too. There will be difficult times. But I, for some reason, imagine her as happy. Not the kind of happiness that is fleeting with a new purchase or spurning from the approval of others, but an inherent joy that emanates from her. She possesses it already. She smiles when the wind its her face, she laughs at the sound of others' laughter, she closes her eyes in calm to soak up the sun. She is my child. I could not imagine a life without her. She makes me see the world differently, myself differently. The insecure side of me that says, "I had nothing to do with her personality, she was just born that way" has given way to the side that thinks maybe all of the smiles I have given her, all of the love and affection, the time spent bonding and building a relationship, maybe I had a hand in who she has and will become. My life's goal is to help her become a strong, loving, joyous and confident woman. I am honored to be her mother. I pray one day she will feel as blessed to be my daughter.