I hate to admit this, but I have sorta lost count...of exactly how many months Maddie is. I know, bad mommy. When I was pregnant, I joined an online site that would send weekly updates about pregnancy, the baby's development, etc. Now, it does the same, only with updates for Maddie's age. I didn't have Internet for a while, so I checked my email and it informs me my baby is nearly 9 months old!!! Huh?? When the heck did that happen?? So, to attempt to make up for my lapse in updating, here goes! As of today, 1 week from her 9 months, Maddie:
~ can sit up, unassisted for quite some time.
~ can roll to both sides (which is how she is currently getting where she needs to be!)
~ has 5, yes 5 teeth with two more coming in (3 on the bottom and 2 on top)
~ cannot crawl, but is thiiiis close....
~ has not a hair on her head (ok, some "peach fuzz", but barely mentionable amounts)
~ eats stage two foods, with sweet potatoes and bananas leading the pack of faves.
~ is obsessed with Meatball and is waaaay more entertained by him than anyone else.
~ is "funny" around certain people and gets upset if they try to hold her...even people she's used to!
~ sleeps through the night, 12 hours...God love her.
~ had her first official cold last week (and is still hacking and emitting liquids from various orifices as I type).
~ loves to jump in her saucer (she didn't realize she could jump until a couple of weeks ago...)
~ likes swinging, going for long walks with mommy, daddy and Meatball, anything that lights up, rolling and having a ball rolled to her, being sung to, books and baths.
~ smiles more than any child I have ever met her age.
~ weighs 17 pounds and 9 ounces
I suppose she has reached most developmental milestones and she sure seems happy and healthy, so we just let her do her thing! She is outgrowing all of her clothes more rapidly and seems to do something new every day...it's all happening so fast!! We are so excited to see her grow and learn and do...but I also love these last few months and wish I could stay in this space in time just a liiiittle bit longer!