Tent from Aunt Tamra!

So quiet only moments before...

Yay! Love my Mickey chair from Oma!!

Trying on my Christmas gift...

Christmas day with The Copelands

Meatball got in on the festivities too!

This year was so much more fun than last! Maddie was a bit young still to really enjoy the festivities. This year was a whole other story! She is now into things...certain shows, characters, toys etc. I think this is partly because she spends so much time with Bella so she follows suit (as evidenced by her Tinkerbell pajamas!). Andy, Kathy, Hailey and Jacob also came down and it was the first Christmas in a few years we all had together! Santa, of course, was quite generous. As this will be the year of the "terrible twos" let's hope next year goes as well!