I'm having one of those days today. I am feeling grateful...more so than usual even. I have always tried to see the joy in every moment, but today, I see it in a different way. Nothing special happened to spurn this sudden urge for appreciation. I went to the pool for an hour while Garret watched the baby. I floated weightlessly while basking in the sun. Garret's mom, "Ya-Ya" came over to visit. We took a nap together in the thunderstorm. Nothing special....yet more special in some way. Maybe it's the hormones. Maybe that's why I'm feeling all gooey inside. Lord knows I can cry at the drop of a hat these days. Don't dare put anything set to a musical montage in front of me. Serious waterworks, I promise. But I don't think that's it. I think I see my new little family and it makes me feel a real happiness and pride. I have this amazing man who loves me unconditionally and adores this baby like I didn't know men were really capable of. He wants to do everything I do for her (with the exception of nursing of course!) and do what he can to help relieve me, hence my pool excursion. I look at my precious little baby, who I cannot help but think is so perfect in every way. Even her cry is sweet to me. Loud, but sweet. We have visitors daily...to give love, provide meals, drop off a much needed coffee...whatever we could possibly need. So, while a small part of me feels confined to our little space with little contact with the outside world, I wouldn't want it any other way.